Thursday, November 20, 2008

Round and Round on the merry-go-round

Round and round on the merry go round
With Mr. black, white and brown,
Mr. black said I own the town coz
I was the first to come around.,.
White said shut up, shut up Mr. black
I own the town coz I have the dollar and the pound.,.,
Mr. brown yawned.,.,said u many have been around.,u many have the pound
But it’s me who found the round.,.,so shut up coz I own the town.,.
As they fought, this human lot, brothers from the same pot.,.,
Round on the merry go round.,.,from a distance couldn’t spot the
Best from the lot, coz each of them seemed on the same spot.,.,
…….Only God knew Why they Fought.,.,.,,.,,.


In love with the city said...

I love it! Refreshingly original and totally unpredictable for your style.

The PHOENIX said...

Thnk u.,.,,.to give something new is my motto in life.,.,thnks

IS said...

Ah! How did I miss this post?
Nice! :) Very nice! :)